2.21.25 Bargaining Session Summary

LMU and the SEIU Local 721 Non-Tenure Track (NTT) bargaining unit met on February 21 for the fourth bargaining session as part of the ongoing process toward reaching a first collective bargaining agreement. 

Presentations and Proposals

The NTT bargaining unit presented a proposed compensation framework for the 2025-26 academic year.

The university presented two counter proposals:

  • Labor Management Committee
  • Recognition

Additionally, LMU introduced two new proposals:

  • Management Rights 
  • No Strike / No Lockout

LMU thanked the bargaining unit for its efforts in drafting and presenting 27 proposals. The university will take the necessary time to ensure thorough analysis of the university-wide impacts of the proposals, including costs. The university team is thoughtfully preparing responses to each of the 27 proposals received from the union, along with the proposals it plans to present.

Updates will continue to be shared on LMU’s Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Bargaining website as negotiations progress, reaffirming our shared commitment to providing a world-class education for our students.
